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Phase/Stage 1

In today’s world, a property should be assessed for environmental risk.  A Phase/Stage I environmental site assessment (ESA) can help determine if a site has environmental concerns because of current or previous on-site or off-site activities.

 A Phase/Stage I ESA helps protect and limits the purchaser, seller, tenant, and landlord’s liability by knowing if there are environmental risks to the property.​ A Phase/Stage I ESA includes three main components; Property Inspection; Regulatory Record search; and an Interview with current or former owners.

 What is not included in a Phase/Stage I ESA, an intrusive sampling of soil, groundwater, and ambient air, nor does it include a Hazardous Material Assessment (Asbestos, Lead, PCB, or Mercury sampling) nor Hygiene Exposure Monitoring (Mould, and Chemical Exposure).

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