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epc's Flexibility

Since 2016 epc has been involved in many high-profile and exciting projects. Below are a few examples that demonstrate epc's flexibility.


Husky Energy

epc acted as the sole environmental representative for the Husky Lloydminster Refinery (HLR). Duties included preparing and submitting environmental permit applications, implementing an environmental audit program, and preparing improvement plans and corrective actions based on the findings, work with Husky’s representatives to resolve identified environmental issues and opportunities, ensuring compliance with all related environmental activities; identify and manage risk, and authored annual compliance reports.


BMO Trust Company

epc conducted a  Phase 2 environmental site assessment (ESA)  for BMO Trust Company on a property located near Bowden, Alberta. The property consisted of two (2) Agricultural quarter (¼) sections, each measured approximately 64.7 hectares in size. The two locations stored and despended diesel and gasoline and industrial and household waste between 1915-1973.

Black Soil

Beckingham Environmental
epc to conduct shallow and deep "soil investigations" along a proposed DOW ethylene pipeline right-of-way that extended from Fort Saskatchewan to the Hamlet of Joffre, Alberta. The project involved obtaining a representative image of the various types of soils great groups present within the right-of-way using the Canadian Soil Classification System.

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Heavy Civil-Grizzly Bear Wind Project

epc monitored Heavy Civil activities to ensure work was performed in accordance with the client's environmental requirements as directed in the contract. Additionally, epc provided guidance and support to the client's field personnel to ensure that all environmental requirements were understood and met.

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